For me, the Pre-trial Detainees Project is an experience I
will cherish as a law student and a clinician. The project has improved my
capacity in terms of helping inmates gain access to justice, clients interviewing skills and
the view about pre-trial detainees in
I thought the prison was a home for convicted criminals and those who are guilty of capital offences but it was an amazing and shocking
experience for me and my partner when we interviewed a detainee who was charged
with a crime he said he knew nothing about. Although there are so many harden
criminals in prison, in the cause of going through their case Files many
narratives us so emotional but we learnt to be professional than emotional to
bring the best and objective results.
We discovered that the condition (standard of living) is
very poor, over capacity, poor rehabilitation system in terms of inmates
undergoing some skill acquisitions. The prison is meant to reform, change their
orientation and bring them back to the
society as change persons but if something is not done am afraid for our
justice system.
Every detainee deserves justice and justice in all
ramifications, justice to the criminals or accused person, justice to the state
and that of the society at large.
We must ensure that the Administration of Criminal justice Act be put to work to enable the
institutions involved like the POLICE
which is the gate pass, the COURT which process and the PRISON which
holds the exit key ensures that justice is
being done at every stage.
It is better to let go of many criminals than convict one
innocent person, it is unfortunate seeing many detainees whose offences are
bailable but were not granted bail. Today Innocent persons are treated like criminals and the law is silent, hence
this is not justice. The system must undergo
some rigorous changes for us to have a just society & to ensure speedy access
to justice.
I appreciate NULAI, OSIWA
for the opportunity and
privileged to pen down our experiences.
We look forward to more of such projects.
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